By now, everyone has read about the Title IX article that the New York Times article presented yesterday and used USF cross country and track as its prime example. For those who don't know what title IX is, it is a law that has been passed to provide equal opportunity for women in college athletics. Before Title IX, schools didn't worry about women's athletic programs and focused on what teams they cared about, which was simply awful, but now the doors are more open than ever and schools have to allow an equal number of women and men onto collegiate athletic programs, neither side is favored or discriminated against.
While USF has allowed plenty of women onto its teams, the question that has been raised here is how many of these ladies are actually competing and is USF simply adding names to the roster to comply with Title IX?
Our friends over at Voodoofive have done an amazing job to really dig deep into the matter and prove that the numbers on the cross country roster and even the sailing team don't quite mesh, despite what USF athletics is stating, the numbers don't lie.
If USF is adding names to the roster just to comply to the Title IX code, this is a major black eye to the athletic program and a shame. USF needs to be honest on the number of how many athletes are competing on the cross country team, even if the number is low and doesn't comply, it would be better than lying to the NCAA and posting fake numbers.
Now USF isn't the only school that is probably fudging the numbers and there are some who think Title IX isn't needed and it just adds more pressure to the colleges, but the facts are out there and the truth needs to come out.
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