Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Mike's Back on the Radio!

First, I'd like to apologize for the annoying, mindless self-promotion that I'm about to do. I hate myself for doing this as much as you'll hate reading it. Second, LISTEN TO MY RADIO SHOW! Throughout the spring semester, the Game:Clock Radio Show has brought listeners the news of the past week in sports on USF's own Bulls Radio on campus. Since the end of the spring semester, Bulls Radio went on a bit of a transitional hiatus, as they experienced a change in the programming director position. But now we're back on the air, and we'd appreciate your input, so write in the comments section telling me your opinions, or write on our wall on facebook! Also, write to me on twitter so we can talk during the show!

Bulls Radio is accessible on the radio at 1620 AM on campus, and at www.bullsradio.org across the globe. Game:Clock is on at 6:00 p.m. and runs until 7:00. We appreciate all support, so thanks in advance for listening!


  1. Listen to the podcasts, love the show, glad you're back on the air. Go get'em Mike. Maybe Matt and I could be guests some in the future? Expand the Bull Rush empire.

  2. website is telling me not found bro I want to tune in tonight

  3. @ K-Rock Da Bull, the link has been fixed. Please go ahead and tune in.

  4. Guys I tuned in yesterday to the show and had an absolute blast to listen to you guys!
